Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dealing with Control Freaks!!!

Article Focus:
In this article, Creative Cow's Ron Lindeboom looks at dealing successfully with clients who will not let you get a word in edgewise, don't listen to you when you do speak and interrupt you in mid-sentence and refuse to compromise on any point. They also do not remember a word you said and would sometimes even rather spend a bunch of money in court than pay you what is honestly due you. If you recognize any of these traits, chances are you have a ''control freak'' on the line. Here are some tips on dealing with them...

First thing, right out of the gate, let's get one thing clear: Not all control freaks are bad for business. Sure, they can be irritating and even down-right obnoxious at times but they are also often true perfectionists with vision who know exactly what they want and if you are successful in helping them get there, they often make great clients. Clients who can write some hefty checks to you as they sweat through the minuitae and detail of finding exactly what they want.

You would be smart when working with control freaks to always make sure that they are billed on the clock and not at a flat rate. Flat rates and control freaks do not a happy marriage make -- well, at least not when you are the one who will end up paying for the wedding.

What Are the Tell-Tale Signs of a Control Freak?
It is fairly easy to spot a control freak in your business. They give off a long list of predictable signs that leave as indelible an impression as an alley cat scent marking its territory. Though there are many more signs that we won't cover here for the sake of brevity, some of these signs include:

  • They never seem to want to listen to you.
  • They regularly and with no regard interrupt you in mid-sentence.
  • Your ideas are not welcome, except when they agree 100% with those of the control freak.
  • They call you at inopportune times and will not get off the phone, even when you tell them you have another client present.
  • They will drop you like a rock if you correct them and are proven to be correct.
  • They will drop you like a rock if you are better than them in their field of endeavor.
  • They regularly complain that you are over charging them. (Never relent on this point and keep them on the clock or my only words to you are "Heaven help you.")
  • They will spend hours (if you let them) drowning you in trivia and detail on ideas and systems that will have you wanting to pull out your hair and send you running screaming from the room.
  • They will cheat you if they can get away with it and will always have brilliant reasonings and justifications as to why you deserve this.
  • They will spend way more than they owe you to beat you in court. Remember: They are control freaks.
  • Lastly, they know everything. Just ask them.

This list is in no way comprehensive but you get the point.

Then Why Deal With Control Freaks?
If there are so many negatives associated with control freaks, then why deal with them? It's simple: Some control freaks have many of the negative character traits but are also very visionary and their sense of perfectionism makes them a great client if you can find ways to work with them and keep them from falling behind in their payments that you should be collecting at key points during the project. As milestones are reached during the project, bill them for that part of the job. This is an effective way to train them and once they are "committed by wallet" to you, they can make good clients.

Ways & Methods of Dealing With Control Freaks:
The challenge to you as a businessperson is to direct them without making them feel that you are correcting them constantly. This will just anger a control freak. Better to let them think that every decision and conclusion that you may be helping them arrive at, is being made 300% by them -- 100% doesn't communicate the importance of this point. You must find ways to play to and validate their ego without appearing condescending or that you are leading.

Control freaks have to lead and you will be well-served to understand that point coming out of the gate. A control freak will often surround themselves with people who don't even know what they are doing just so that they can appear even more knowledgeable and expert in their own eyes. If you are an expert, it is far smarter to remember that God gave you one mouth and two ears and use that lesson in priorities to your advantage with the control freak.

Keep in mind that control freaks are ego maniacs and anything that is viewed as corrective or as not coming from them will quickly place you in the "them" category in the "us and them" thinking of the control freak. Learning this lesson well could place you as one of the only people they trust in a world full of "thems."

Understand that you are not really ever going to "win" with this kind of client -- well, unless you remember that in business the sweetest victory is cashing the check. Check your ego at the door and let your words be few. After all, the control freak will talk enough for the both of you anyway! And it's likely that they will even ask you the question and tell you what you answer is going to be anyway. Remember the check. That will help.

As mentioned earlier, never work with a control freak on a "pay at job completion" basis. If you do, you will live to regret that decision. Always work on "milestones" and bill for work up to that milestone. Consider this as a means of getting this kind of client to give you "the little 'yes's'" that salespeople look for when they ask closing questions that make a prospect answer yes. Getting them to agree that you are doing your part is paramount to having them accept you into their circle of "us" and kept you from falling into the "them" category. If you allow the billing to mount until the jobs completion, you will invariably fail them for some reason or other and end up in the "them" pile along with a bill that they will usually fight you about paying.

Let circumstances and the mounting time they are running up on the clock erode their boundless self-confidence. Time wears away stones and great mountains, so it will also win in the battle with the control freak. That is, if you have been billing the milestones and haven't let it all slip into one big billable mess at job's end.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bar codes to store video!

  • Can a song be 'downloaded' from a bar code printed on paper?
  • Researchers at the Edith Cowan University say so. They say that this is possible with mobile phones that are equipped with a camera. When such mobile actually scan the bar code -- Mobile Multi-Colour Composite (MMCC) 2D-Barcode -- that is printed on a paper, they will actually be 'downloading' a video or audio that is stored in the bar code.
  • The MMCC is a colour two-dimensional barcode designed for storing high capacity data on printed media and displays, tailor made for camera mobile phone applications. Using the MMCC, the user can retrieve digital content to their camera mobile phone directly from the barcode by capturing an image of the barcode and decoding it on their mobile.
  • Confused? The trick appears to be the encoding of information that goes into the MMCC at the time it is printed. Once the mobile phone scans the image, a decoding software that it possesses, can reveal the information. This information can be anything -- voice, video, text, image etc.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Marketing Tips To Attract Kids

  • In order to attract kids you first have to understand how kids think. Make sure that your staff attending your kid customers knows they should address kids as what they are. Kids think with urgency and when they have something in mind, they want it at the same moment; they are not willing to wait. So now you need to think like a kid. Remember your childhood and think of the things that make you smile and laugh and things which will be useful to you for fun making. When marketing to kids, be a kid.
  • Make your products visible to kids so that they can have a feel of that. When you go to shopping mall you generally see that the last shelf contains all the items related to kids like toys, chocolates etc. Have a contest, with the prizes.
  • Be kid-friendly. Tell them to come back over and over again...they will listen. Word of mouth advertising continues to be one of the most powerful tools in any business. Allow kids to carry your message.
  • The thoughts of kids are very imaginative and creative. They like things which are different and attractive. They have very wild imagination. Like you would have observed in a movie called Taare zammen par that when the Kid is being given a test paper to solve Math’s question there we see that he goes into his own wild imagination to solve one problem. So u can keep in your display set the toys which attract the children and are really creative.
  • To attract the kids you can even demonstrate how the toy works and by seeing that kids feel really happy and they do enjoy and once the product is into their mind then the kids will make sure that they have that product is in their hands.
  • Kids love to learn about other cultures and new things. They often picture themselves in other places, countries and dream about traveling through planes, cars, boats, etc. So you can also project such things.
  • Make sure that the item you are selling is kids friendly so that it can be operated by kids easily. Items that may have a wind-up, pull-back, press-n-go, etc. mechanism are great. If you choose an item that requires the motor skills of a 25-year-old to operate, you will end up with a very frustrated young customer.
  • Kids love to learn and to share information. If you have the chance to buy a toy with a bilingual insert card, do it! Kids love to learn about other languages and cultures.
  • Dinosaurs: Yes, these are not extinct in kids’ minds. They are one of the most popular things which kids would like to have with them.

Business Etiquettes

Etiquette is the way a person presents himself to others, being comfortable and making other people around comfortable. It is very important to practice good manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees. Complying with popular etiquettes that are prevalent in the region where one is working plays an important role in determining the success level of a person’s commercial endeavor. Etiquette is a very important factor in determining the success or failure of a business or a person. It is easier to make money than to earn respect and accolade from people who know and interact with you like colleagues and employees. Life will definitely be easier if you follow the following Tips on Business etiquettes.
  1. Make sure to treat each person you interact with such as a secretary or a janitor, no matter what his or her position in the corporation, with respect and make it a rule to be pleasant to everybody no matter what the situation is.
  2. Let people know that you appreciate what they do which will boost morale and improve work quality.
  3. Keep records of people who matter to you and acknowledge if they receive a promotion and wish them on their birthdays.
  4. When organizing meetings make sure that all the participants know about the schedule, the objective of the meeting, matter that is to be discussed and the expected duration of the meeting.
  5. Distribution of minutes and summaries of meetings and thanking each participant after meetings is a basic courtesy.
  6. Always return calls, if you are unable to answer have a polite message on the answering machine that will be returned at the earliest. Never be rude or impatient with anyone on the phone.
  7. Never make anyone wait, be it an employee or employer, or a business acquaintance. Never be late for a meeting or for work.
  8. Dress is also a very important aspect in maintaining good business etiquette. Businessmen have to appear impeccably groomed
  9. Women have to dress appropriately and take care that they do not give a wrong impression to their colleagues. Proper care taken can avert a lot of embarrassment.
  10. Make sure your employees practice good etiquettes to customers and to each other to be able to work in a friction free atmosphere. Smiling courteous service will definitely help improve business and make a customer become regular.
Things to avoid:
1. Business Etiquette Mistake #1: A Poor Introduction: A handshake is the first impression another person gets of you in the business world. Fumbling here might mean that you're judged to be an undesirable candidate for a job, partner for a business venture, or employer for a promotion. Remember, in the business world, every time you see a career acquaintance both inside and outside of the office, you'll be shaking hands, meaning that your whole business life will be filled with mini introductions. A firm handshake is first and foremost important. If you have a weak handshake, you may come off as a weak businessperson. In addition, stand up to shake someone's hand if you have been sitting and make eye contact. When you are meeting someone for the first time, it is also proper etiquette to repeat his or her name, which will help you remember the name for later as well. Forgetting someone's name is a sure way to make a bad impression!
2. Business Etiquette Mistake #2: Drinking Too Much: At business functions like dinners, holiday parties, and social hours, it is common for the company to pay for an open bar. Even if there is not an open bar, a cash bar or wine may be available. Whatever the case, avoid having more than one or two drinks. These events are meant to be a time for networking; if you want to get drunk, go out to the bar with your friends on the weekend. By drinking too much, you'll come off as unprofessional and you may be labeled as uncommitted to the company. It may also lead you to saying things that you shouldn't say, and it can even be dangerous if you choose to drive home afterwards. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol altogether is the best bet, but if the situation presents itself, exercise a little self control and minimize the number of drinks you have.
3. Business Etiquette Mistake #3: No Table Manners: People are often intimidated by business dinners at fancy restaurants, but if you keep just a few basic rules in mind, you'll eloquently survive any meal. Start with learning what silverware to use. In general, start from the outside and work in, saving the fork and spoon at the top of your plate for dessert. The ladies at your table should be served first, but even if they aren't, wait until everyone at the table has their food before you begin eating. Of course, keep you napkin on your lap, and thank a server who refills your glass.
4. Business Etiquette Mistake #4: Forgetting Your Manners During Emails: As communication technology changes, there are more and more business etiquette rules to keep in mind. One of the biggest mistakes the people make in regards to business etiquette is writing emails that are too casual or inappropriate. Today, email is the communication method of choice, whereas once paper memos were sent. When you're writing any email, use care to keep it professional and polite. In fact, you should think of an email as you would a typical letter. Always address it to the person receiving the email, use proper grammar and spelling, and close with your full name and contact information. In addition, avoid using your office email to send other in the office funny, cute, sentimental, personal or chain emails. If you want to send these kinds of emails, get a free Yahoo!, Google, or MSN email account and use that. Your company email should only be used for professional purposes, like sending memos or asking questions about work-related projects.
5. Business Etiquette Mistake #5: Being Too Casual With Superiors: Lastly, one of the worst - if not the worst - business mistakes you can make is treating your superiors as friends. While some bosses and employees become very close, this is not the rule, and you should always treat your relationship as one that is strictly for business. Do not call someone by his or her first name until prompted to do so, and do not assume that you can take liberties without asking permission, even if it was not a problem in the past. The key is professionalism. Recognize how you're like to be treated were you the boss, and show your superiors that same respect. And who knows? If you avoid this top five business etiquette mistakes, you might actually be that boss someday!

Business Etiquettes

Etiquette is the way a person presents himself to others, being comfortable and making other people around comfortable. It is very important to practice good manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees. Complying with popular etiquettes that are prevalent in the region where one is working plays an important role in determining the success level of a person’s commercial endeavor. Etiquette is a very important factor in determining the success or failure of a business or a person. It is easier to make money than to earn respect and accolade from people who know and interact with you like colleagues and employees. Life will definitely be easier if you follow the following Tips on Business etiquettes.
  1. Make sure to treat each person you interact with such as a secretary or a janitor, no matter what his or her position in the corporation, with respect and make it a rule to be pleasant to everybody no matter what the situation is.
  2. Let people know that you appreciate what they do which will boost morale and improve work quality.
  3. Keep records of people who matter to you and acknowledge if they receive a promotion and wish them on their birthdays.
  4. When organizing meetings make sure that all the participants know about the schedule, the objective of the meeting, matter that is to be discussed and the expected duration of the meeting.
  5. Distribution of minutes and summaries of meetings and thanking each participant after meetings is a basic courtesy.
  6. Always return calls, if you are unable to answer have a polite message on the answering machine that will be returned at the earliest. Never be rude or impatient with anyone on the phone.
  7. Never make anyone wait, be it an employee or employer, or a business acquaintance. Never be late for a meeting or for work.
  8. Dress is also a very important aspect in maintaining good business etiquette. Businessmen have to appear impeccably groomed
  9. Women have to dress appropriately and take care that they do not give a wrong impression to their colleagues. Proper care taken can avert a lot of embarrassment.
  10. Make sure your employees practice good etiquettes to customers and to each other to be able to work in a friction free atmosphere. Smiling courteous service will definitely help improve business and make a customer become regular.
Things to avoid:
1. Business Etiquette Mistake #1: A Poor Introduction: A handshake is the first impression another person gets of you in the business world. Fumbling here might mean that you're judged to be an undesirable candidate for a job, partner for a business venture, or employer for a promotion. Remember, in the business world, every time you see a career acquaintance both inside and outside of the office, you'll be shaking hands, meaning that your whole business life will be filled with mini introductions. A firm handshake is first and foremost important. If you have a weak handshake, you may come off as a weak businessperson. In addition, stand up to shake someone's hand if you have been sitting and make eye contact. When you are meeting someone for the first time, it is also proper etiquette to repeat his or her name, which will help you remember the name for later as well. Forgetting someone's name is a sure way to make a bad impression!
2. Business Etiquette Mistake #2: Drinking Too Much: At business functions like dinners, holiday parties, and social hours, it is common for the company to pay for an open bar. Even if there is not an open bar, a cash bar or wine may be available. Whatever the case, avoid having more than one or two drinks. These events are meant to be a time for networking; if you want to get drunk, go out to the bar with your friends on the weekend. By drinking too much, you'll come off as unprofessional and you may be labeled as uncommitted to the company. It may also lead you to saying things that you shouldn't say, and it can even be dangerous if you choose to drive home afterwards. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol altogether is the best bet, but if the situation presents itself, exercise a little self control and minimize the number of drinks you have.
3. Business Etiquette Mistake #3: No Table Manners: People are often intimidated by business dinners at fancy restaurants, but if you keep just a few basic rules in mind, you'll eloquently survive any meal. Start with learning what silverware to use. In general, start from the outside and work in, saving the fork and spoon at the top of your plate for dessert. The ladies at your table should be served first, but even if they aren't, wait until everyone at the table has their food before you begin eating. Of course, keep you napkin on your lap, and thank a server who refills your glass.
4. Business Etiquette Mistake #4: Forgetting Your Manners During Emails: As communication technology changes, there are more and more business etiquette rules to keep in mind. One of the biggest mistakes the people make in regards to business etiquette is writing emails that are too casual or inappropriate. Today, email is the communication method of choice, whereas once paper memos were sent. When you're writing any email, use care to keep it professional and polite. In fact, you should think of an email as you would a typical letter. Always address it to the person receiving the email, use proper grammar and spelling, and close with your full name and contact information. In addition, avoid using your office email to send other in the office funny, cute, sentimental, personal or chain emails. If you want to send these kinds of emails, get a free Yahoo!, Google, or MSN email account and use that. Your company email should only be used for professional purposes, like sending memos or asking questions about work-related projects.
5. Business Etiquette Mistake #5: Being Too Casual With Superiors: Lastly, one of the worst - if not the worst - business mistakes you can make is treating your superiors as friends. While some bosses and employees become very close, this is not the rule, and you should always treat your relationship as one that is strictly for business. Do not call someone by his or her first name until prompted to do so, and do not assume that you can take liberties without asking permission, even if it was not a problem in the past. The key is professionalism. Recognize how you're like to be treated were you the boss, and show your superiors that same respect. And who knows? If you avoid this top five business etiquette mistakes, you might actually be that boss someday!