Thursday, December 18, 2008
Amazing Facts
Ans:Tihar Jail
Q: he became the world's richest man and first American billionaire, and is often regarded as the richest person in history.
Ans: John D. Rockefeller
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Is Taiwan a Country?
Let us examine these eight criteria in regard to Taiwan, an island (approximately the size of the U.S. states of Maryland and Delaware combined) located across the Taiwan Strait from mainland China (the People's Republic of China).
Taiwan developed into its modern situation following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949 when two million Chinese Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government for all of China on the island. From that point and until 1971, Taiwan was recognized as "China" in the United Nations.
Mainland China's position on Taiwan is that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China; the People's Republic of China is awaiting reunification of the island and mainland. However, Taiwan claims independence as a distinct State. We will now determine which is the case.
1. Has space or territory that has internationally recognized boundaries (boundary disputes are OK).
Somewhat. Due to political pressure from mainland China, the United States and most other significant nations recognize one China and thus include the boundaries of Taiwan as being part of the boundaries of China.
2. Has people who live there on an ongoing basis.
Absolutely! Taiwan is home to almost 23 million people, making it the 48th largest "county" in the world, with a population slightly smaller than North Korea but larger than Romania.
3. Has economic activity and an organized economy. A country regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money.
Absolutely! Taiwan is an economic powerhouse - it's one of the four economic tigers of Southeast Asia. Its GDP per capita is among the top 30 of the world. Taiwan has its own currency, the new Taiwan dollar.
4. Has the power of social engineering, such as education.
Absolutely! Education is compulsory and Taiwan has more than 150 institutions of higher learning. Taiwan is home to the Palace Museum, which houses over 650,000 pieces of Chinese bronze, jade, calligraphy, painting, and porcelain.
5. Has a transportation system for moving goods and people.
Absolutely! Taiwan has an extensive internal and external transportation network that consists of roads, highways, pipelines, railroads, airports, and sea ports. Taiwan can ship goods, there's no question about that!
6. Has a government that provides public services and police power.
Absolutely! Taiwan has multiple branches of military - Army, Navy (including Marine Corps), Air Force, Coast Guard Administration, Armed Forces Reserve Command, Combined Service Forces Command, and Armed Forces Police Command. There are almost 400,000 active duty members of the military and the country spends about 15-16% of its budget on defense.
Taiwan's main threat is from mainland China, which has approved an anti-secession law that allows a military attack on Taiwan to prevent the island from seeking independence. Additionally, the United States sells Taiwan military equipment and may defend Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act.
7. Has sovereignty. No other State should have power over the country's territory.
Mostly. While Taiwan has maintained its own control over the island from Taipei since 1949, China still claims to have control over Taiwan.
8. Has external recognition. A country has been "voted into the club" by other countries.
Somewhat. Since China claims Taiwan as its provoince, the international community does not want to contradict China on this matter. Thus, Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations. Plus, only 25 countries (as of early 2007) recognize Taiwan as an independent country and they recognize it as the "only" China. Due to this political pressure from China, Taiwan does not maintain an embassy in the United States and the United States (among most other countries) has not recognized Taiwan since January 1, 1979.
However, many countries have set up unofficial organizations to carry out commercial and other relations with Taiwan. Taiwan is represented in 122 countries unofficially. Taiwan maintains contact with the United States through two through an unofficial instrumentalities - American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.
In addition, Taiwain issues globally recognized passports that allow its citizens to travel internationally. Taiwan also is a member of the International Olympic Committee and this sends its own team to the Olympic Games.
Recently, Taiwan has lobbied strongly for admission into international organizations such as the United Nations, which mainland China opposes.
Therefore, Taiwan only meets five of the eight criteria fully. Another three criteria are met in some respects due to mainland China's stance on the issue.
In conclusion, despite the controversy surrounding the island of Taiwan, its status should be considered as a de facto independent country of the world.
Recognize that there are dozens of territories and colonies that are sometimes erroneously called "countries" but don't count at all - they're governed by other countries. Places commonly confused as being countries include Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greenland, Palestine, Western Sahara, and even the components of the United Kingdom (such as Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England - they're not fully independent countries, states, or nation-states).
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Silicon Valley is San Francisco in USA
Monday, December 15, 2008
---Jagdish Chandra Bose
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ratan Tata: The reluctant emperor

*Ratan Tata joined the Tata Group in December 1962. He started working in Tata Steel, Jamshedpur. He worked on the shop floor with the other workers, where he shovelled coal into the blast furnaces.
*Ratan Tata in February 2007 flew a Boeing F-18 Super Hornet combat aircraft at the Aero India show in Bangalore, just a day after he flew an F-16 jet. After the flight, he said it was an 'unbelievable experience and a terrific, terrific ride.'
*Ratan Tata graduating from Cornell University with a degree in Architecture and Structural Engineering. He also completed a Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.
*The Tata Group comprises 98 operating companies in seven business sectors: information systems and communications; engineering; materials; services; energy; consumer products; and chemicals. The Group was founded by Jamsetji Tata in the mid 19th century, a period when India had just set out on the road to gaining independence from British rule.
*Ratan Tata will step down as chairman of the Tata group in 2012 at the age 75. Tata group revised the retirement age to 65 years for executive and whole time directors whereas the retirement age for the non-executive directors has been extended to 75 years.
etymology of - Amazing... isnt it!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How to Love Consciously
“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.” Gilbert Chesterton
Knowing how someone wants to be loved and then providing that love are two separate things. Sometimes marriages and other relationships end because either one person does not understand how to meet the needs of the other; or one partner refuses to meet the needs of the other.
To love consciously is a choice. Mary Beth and I often say being married is very similar to having another full-time job – you get out of it what you put into it.
Our marriage is like a savings account. My wife and I make deposits into it never expecting we may need to make a withdrawal. However, when we do request a withdrawal there are no associated penalties.
Yes, we argue over the temperature in the car or who really forgot to feed the dog, but when it really matters; when it really counts, we make the consciousness choice to give each other the love that is requested and needed.
With over 23 years of marriage under our belts, we have found the following strategies work best to love intentionally; to love authentically and to love consciously.
Show Appreciation
A simple “thank you” in response to a trivial or ordinary item can make a significant difference. It only takes a few short moments to utter these two words, but the impact can be felt for a very long time.
Showing gratitude is also the best strategy for ensuring the things you are most grateful for continue to happen. When we stop and tell our partners what we are grateful for, we are also telling the Universe. By making the effort, the conscious decision, to express our thanks we are in a better position of receiving more of it in the future.
If you want your partner to be grateful, it starts by you showing gratitude, first.
Be Happy, Not Right
Here’s a question for you, “Would you rather be right, or happy?” Too often our pride and egos can keep us from enjoying intimate relationships. We stew over what we think are injustices, but are perhaps only misunderstandings.
We carry grudges and do not show enough grace, passion or forgiveness to the person we care most about. Our need to be right can overshadow our need to receive, and give, love.
Take a look at what your pride is costing you. If intimacy is strained and the relationship is off track you may want to reconsider the value of your anger or self righteousness. Here’s the thing: You may be right in the argument although you partner thinks otherwise, but you will never be wrong when you put your partner first. Happiness always feels better than vindication.
No Day But Today
What would you say to your partner if you knew this was the last day you would be together? Would you complain about the television being too loud, or would you remind your partner of their value and significance?
Life does have an expiration date. This isn’t meant to be a downer – just a reality we all share. It’s what you do with this information that will make the difference. While it’s very difficult to sustain a high-level of connection and passion on a day-to-day basis, there are some simple things you can do to convey your partner’s importance to let them know they are important today:
- Kiss your mate at least twice a day
- Leave a quick note just to say “hi,” or “I love you”
- Never do anything you wouldn’t want your partner to know
- Be fully present when they need to talk or share something important
- Make the effort to spend some time together each day
- Give a compliment
- Make your partner feel important
- Smile
No Judgments
Judgments are often times rooted in perception, not reality. Judgments are also a piece of how you see the world, not the way the world, or in this case your partner, actually exists.
The harm with judgments is resentment and anger are typically the outcomes – not the change that is expected. When a judgment is made, there is an implied belief the behavior or trait being judged should be corrected. However, the person receiving the judgment does not always share the same expectation.
As a result, communication is impaired, connection is deteriorated and conflict ensues. To love deliberately and consciously requires loving your partner with a different filter – a cleaner filter that does not have the residue of past containments.
Be Aware of Your Own Thoughts & Feelings
Loving authentically is dependent on loving yourself, first. Before you share love, and share yourself with someone, it is important to beware of what you want. Reality suggests, however, we fall in love and begin relationships before we have a clear idea of our own true feelings.
When this happens, there is still plenty of time to discover your needs – this is called growth. Give yourself opportunities outside of the relationship. Build friendships and pursue interests on your own.
A good relationship exists when both people can live without the other, but choose to be together. A relationship built on a foundation of sharing different interests cultivates more life and depth into it.
You own your thoughts and feelings. These make you unique and keep you grounded with who you really are or growing to become. By doing so, you are in a much better position to love freely and honestly. Nature has a way of taking care of those things we put the most energy in and want to grow even stronger.
Loving Consciously
The power of love extends its reach when we will love intentionally. Real love, authentic love, springs to life and is sustained when we make the choice to feed it with our deliberate passion. Our souls are nourished when our partners realize we know how to love them.
There will be a day when I no longer share this life with my wife. When that day arrives, my hope is she will know my intent was to discover exactly what she wanted and my conscious choice was to give her more of that.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Amazing Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru himself. He did this to avoid a third term in the office.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Barack Obama and Indian Politics...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Quiz - Tata Crucible ‘08 Singapore - Prelims
2.If you are travelling Raffles Class, which airline are you on? Singapore Airlines

Mont Blanc

ANS: Fannie Mae
5. The Latin translation of this brand is “I put together” : Lego

Scott Adams
7. Finnish Rubber Company. What started thus? Nokia
8. What is the name of this robot?

9. This tyre company founded by a certain John Boyd. The first product was a pneumatic tyre. Which company are we talking about? Dunlop
10. They are the official timekeeper to James Bond. Who? Omega
11. Which international courier package company was founded by Larry Hillblom, Adrian Dasley and Robert Lynn in 1969? DHL
12. American Express started offering this service in 1882 to compete with the US postal office. What are we talking about? Money Order
13. Picture of the Hulk’s foot covering a building. Glimpse of golden arches seen in the background. Whose ad? McDonalds
14.Identify the company.

Boston Consulting Group
15. Where would you find Clippy, Mother Nature, Links the Cat, and Rocky the Dog etc? Microsoft Office Help Icons
16. This sports goods company is associated with Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Michael Jordan etc. Which one? Nike
17. This was invented in 1937 by Colin Kininmonth and George Gray, who made the product by applying rubber resin to cellophane film. What? Cellotape
18. General Re, Dairy Queen etc. are owned by which holding company associated with Warren Buffett? Berkshire Hathaway
19. This ‘resort village’ chain was started in 1950 by former Belgian water polo champion, GĂ©rard Blitz. The first village opened on the Spanish island of Mallorca. Identify this resort, which is associated with the concept of ‘fun holidays’. Club Med
20. This company recently changed their slogan from “Always low prices” to “Save Money. Live Better”. Who? Walmart
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What is special about this watch?

Answer: World's First Panchang Watch from "Borgeaund"
The Panchang :
The Hindus follow the Panchang which is a spiritual and scientific calendar .It provides a listing of festivals, weather predictions, events, epidemics and personal fortune. The word "Panch" means five and "ang" means aspect.
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astrological facts. Calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars and constellations. These are used to determine the most ideal or auspicious time for carrying out various activities like getting married, stepping into a new home, attending work for the first time, etc. The Panchang is also a readymade guide that gives us the dates of important hindu festivals. It gives the exact time when a particular task can be undertaken to reap maximum benefits. It defines a particular time of a day using the five parameters - the day, the tithi, the star, the yoga and the karana corresponding to that day.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
World's No.1 Companies

*world's largest

*world's number-1 defense contractor - Lockheed Martin (LMT) {US}
Punchline : We never forget who we're working for

*world's largest confectionery manufacturer - Cadbury {UK}

*world's largest MINING company - BHP Billiton.{AUSTRALIA/UK} (created in 2001 by the merger of Australia's Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) and the UK's Billiton)

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Facts and Figures
"The Nile is the longest river in the world."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
'Good' n 'Bad'... Give me a Break!!!
Here it goes:::
"After reading a bedtime story to my daughter, I sometimes ask her "So, what do you think of the book?"
More often than not, the answer is a simple "Good." I tell her that the word "good" is banned.
The book could be funny, boring, interesting, scary, lovely, awful, awesome, delightful, ebullient
... or a combination of terms.
Anything but good. It's time to give the tired words "good" and "bad" a well-deserved rest.
I think the same applies for people. People are rarely just good or bad."
So Here's the lesson of the day: Its time to give 'Good' n 'Bad' a Big BREAK!!! :-)
Monday, March 31, 2008
My first Blog
This is my FIRST EVER blog. I just started off blogging. Hope i will have a great time ahead. Just a word of caution: u may find many short words as used in sms's in my articles quite often... :-)